
Warm Bodies: This is not a Review

It was my first time to go watch at the movie house alone.
To be honest, it was really hard for me to decide whether to do it or not. First, I don’t want to waste money in a movie if I wont enjoy it. So I was scared that I wont be able to enjoy it because I’m alone. However, I really really really want to see this film because Niholas Hault was in it and the fact that it is a new form of RomCom. But my friends and family can’t come with me, i understand though.
Gladly, I had the courage to go in there and just do it! Or I guess, watch it!
I was late but good enough kind of late. Luckily, the theater wasn’t crowded so I get to choose where to sit. The center. Not too far. Not too near. No one seats on either sides. There was silence.
So the movie is kinda different. But it still is funny, sweet and thrilling. So I laughed, smiled, got thrilled in a very discreet manner. That was the sad part.
I really loved the movie. No questions asked. But as I laugh, smile and be thrilled and be amused and be all kilig-ed, I was also feeling sad because I hope there’s this special someone who could I laugh with, be kilig-ed together with, and be scared along with.
But that part of me was outshone by the enjoyment i got from the film. So yeah. It was a bit sad experience but I’m not saying it isn’t fun though. :)

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