
Film: Becoming Jane 2007

"Becoming Jane" is a love story which setting is in 1975. It was inspired by Jane Austen, a well-known writer, and her relationship with a young Irishman named Tom Lefroy.
This film is about one of my favorite writers and i love that her masterpieces were also inspired with such a wonderful romance she had. Its not just romance but also a bit of history. watching the film felt like i was a very close friend of Jane and Tom. i've witnessed their love and also their hardship. and yes, i am an extreme fan of Anne Hathaway and James McAvoy. they were very great in this film. ^^

i love how their different paths crossed and progressed. Jane was just from a poor family who dreams too big for a women like her. She was supposed to be married to a wealthy man to help her and her family as well. but she was firm on what she believes and that's to marry a person she truly love. She hoped that through her passion in writing she could still help her family.
Then from a very different place, Tom Lefroy who was a non-aristocratic lawyer with bad reputation, came to Jane Austen's life with a very bad first impression. they believe that Tom Lefroy was Mr. Darcy of Jane's Pride and Prejudice. so as their mind clashes and cat-and-dog fights, they eventually fell in love with each other. which was a dismay of both of Jane's family and Tom's Uncle which was also his provider at that time.
So they run away with their love as their strength. but behind Jane's witty mind, she started to doubt if love was enough for them to live life together forever. that was the moment i really cried. i believe that love was really enough for the both of them but Jane doesn't want to be selfish. So they retreated their plan and grew apart from each other.
at the end, Jane never got married and obviously become a successful writer. Tom Lefroy got married and named his eldest daughter Jane. after few years they met again and it was visible in their eyes that true love was once shared by them and still does exist.
another thing i love about this film was how the story evolve during the time she started writing Pride and Prejudice. it made me understand more the inspiration of that book she wrote. and also, i dream of becoming a writer. So Jane in the story inspired me more to write and make people feel what to feel in a literature.
this film really made me cry not just because they didn't end up together but it was because of how love was so complicated. i've always thought that once you found that someone, love would be enough. but that doesn't mean Jane and Tom wasn't meant to be. they were. its just that they lived with reality and not ideally.
here are some quotes i've remember:
  • Tom LefroyI am yours. Heart and soul, I’m yours. Much good that is. 
  • Jane Austen: I will decide that.
  • Mr. WisleySometimes affection is a shy flower that takes time to blossom.
  • Jane AustenA woman especially if she has the misfortune of knowing anything, should conceal it as well as she can.
  • Jane Austen: His heart will stop at the very sight of you or he doesn't deserve to live. and yes, i am aware of the contradiction embodied to that sentence. 

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